
David Lewin, comp. Tyskland: Västpreussen, register över judiska medborgarskap, 1812 [webbaserad databas]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2008.
Originaldata: General-Verzeichniss saemtlicher in dem Departement der koenigl. Regierung von Westpreussen vorhandenen Juden welchen das Staatsbuerger-Recht ertheilt worden. Marienwerder: Royal Westprussian Court Press, 1812. This data is provided in partnership with JewishGen.org.

 Tyskland: Västpreussen, register över judiska medborgarskap, 1812

Den här databasen är ett utdrag på 2 382 poster från det allmänna registret över judar i den kejserliga provinsen Västpreussen till vilka medborgarskap hade beviljats (General-Verzeichniss sämmtlicher in dem Departement der Königl. Regierung von Westpreussen vorhandenen Juden welchen das Staatsbürger-Recht ertheilet worden). Informationen i databasen omfattar bland annat: namn, bostadsort och sidnumret där personen finns i registret.

This database is an extract of 2,382 records "General Register of all Jews residing in the Royal Governmental Province of West Prussia to whom Citizenship was granted."

In the foreword to the register there are "instructions to be observed in regard to the process of Citizens as opposed to the foreign Jews". Among others: "A further instruction is to be observed by the police authorities in relation to the Jews arriving from foreign lands as set out in the edict of 11 March 1812 regarding the citizen’s rights in relation to the Jews in the Prussian states".

The edict covered all Jews in West Prussia who were able to earn their keep. It differentiated - and excluded - those Jews who entered the province illegally, and lived off official and unofficial charity. In future they were to be deported summarily.

Information contained in this database includes:

  • Surname - Newly opted family name taken by the new Jewish citizen

  • Given Name - Original

  • Given Name - New - Newly opted personal name taken by the new Jewish citizen

  • Town Name - German - Place name of current abode

  • Town Name - Polish

  • Subsidiary List - Sequential number on a local subsidiary list (It appears that local lists - no longer available - were used to compile this Global Register)

  • Page Number - This entry appears on this page number of the original 1812 West Prussia document