
Ancestry.com. Tjänstetillsättningar inom det amerikanska postväsendet, 1832-1971 [webbaserad databas]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2010. This collection was indexed by Ancestry World Archives Project contributors.

Record of Appointment of Postmasters, 1832-1971; Microfilm publication M841, 145 rolls; NAID: 596306 and 17027522; Records of the Post Office Department, 1773 - 1971, Record Group 28; The National Archives in Washington, D.C.

 Tjänstetillsättningar inom det amerikanska postväsendet, 1832-1971

Detta är en databas över tjänstetillsättningar inom det amerikanska postväsendet för åren mellan 1832 och 1971. Databasen innehåller främst uppgifter om personer som fått i uppdrag att ansvara för postkontor, men dessutom finns uppgifter som när postkontor öppnades och stängdes, men utnämningar av presidenten och senatsbekräftelser finns också med. Registren innehåller huvudsakligen namn, tillsättningsdatum, orsak till vakans, datum för vaknas, postkontorets plats, delstat, county och volym.

This collection of 181 volumes of post office appointments and vacancies stretches from 1832 until 1971. The records show the date of establishment and discontinuance of post offices, changes of names of post offices, and names and appointment dates for their postmasters. The database also includes dates of Presidential appointments of postmasters and their confirmation dates by the Senate. Starting in 1870, the records contain names of post offices where discontinued post office’s mail was sent.

From 1832 until 1950, these records were kept by assistants to the Postmaster General. From 1950 to 1971, the Bureau of Post Office Operations compiled the records. Up to 1930, the records are arranged by location and then alphabetically by name of post office. After 1930, there are two types of records. They are arranged alphabetically by name of post office and alphabetically by the appointment’s name. The records include:

  • Name
  • Appointment date
  • Vacancy cause
  • Vacancy date
  • Post office location
  • State
  • County
  • Volume