USA, sammanställda tjänstgöringsuppgifter för sydstatssoldater, 1861-1865
U.S., Confederate Service Records, 1861-1865
Källinformation USA, sammanställda tjänstgöringsuppgifter för sydstatssoldater, 1861-1865 [webbaserad databas]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007.Originaldata:
Compiled Service Records of the Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations Raised Directly by the Confederate Government. Microfilm Publication M258, 123 rolls. War Department Collection of Confederate Records, Record Group 109. National Archives in Washington, D.C.
USA, sammanställda tjänstgöringsuppgifter för sydstatssoldater, 1861-1865
Den här databasen innehåller uppgifter om sydstatssoldater som tjänstgjorde i militära organisationer som upprättades av sydstatsregeringen. Informationen som finns tillgänglig är namn, enhet och grad. Ytterligare information kan finnas i bilderna på originalhandlingarna.
This database contains records of Confederate soldiers who served in military organizations that were formed by the Confederate Government. Some of these organizations were formed from personnel transfers, uniting smaller units, and consolidating units from different states. Reasons for creating these organizations included the need to strengthen units due to losses and seeking for better tactical control, among others.
Generally, these records consist of the following:
1) a jacket-envelope for each soldier listing his name, rank, and unit or special corps
2) card abstracts relating to the soldier from muster rolls, returns, rosters, payrolls, appointment books, hospital registers, Union prison registers, parole lists, and inspection reports
3) originals of any other documents relating to the soldier
Information available in this database includes:
Name of soldier
Additional information about a soldier may be found on the actual records and can be obtained by viewing the image. The amount of additional information available will vary according to the record type and the form used. However, examples of additional information available includes place of residence, physical description, and military service history (such as when enrolled).
Some of the above information was taken from: National Archives Microfilm Publications. Pamphlet Accompanying Microcopy No. 25 (Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations Raised Directly by the Confederate Government). Washington, D.C.: The National Archives, 1963.